The winner of the 2010 2 Great Men, 1 Great Dinner raffle is…
Anne Gehris! Here’s what she has to say:
I first became Ray’s customer after The Village Voice assigned me a freelance piece about Greenmarkets. I had never shopped regularly at farmer’s markets, but soon I headed up to 97th Street every Friday. It is the highlight of my week. My husband Bill and I will often build an entire weekend’s worth of meals around Ray’s offerings. His dandelion greens are looking good? Let’s turn them into a salad with Ray’s bacon and hard-boiled eggs. A new batch of his pork chops has arrived? Let’s roast them with peaches and Ray’s sage. And those electric yellow chili peppers? Let’s throw them in a soup made of his pumpkins and see what happens. We have become such rabid Ray fans that our 8-year-old makes fun of us: every time we say something tastes good she rolls her eyes and says “it’s Bradley Farm!”
We plan to share our raffle prize with two of our most food-obsessed friends: Petra Heist Spiegel, who makes a mean bacon dumpling and volunteers at Red Hook Farm every weekend; and Miryan Kenet, who goes through gallons of olive oil every week delicately frying everything from skate fillets to Marcona almonds.
Thanks again to all who participated – it has been great being able to harness all the goodwill Ray has generated over the years in such a positive way!