The Two Great Men/One Great Dinner ~ January 16, 2011
Hugely successful on all fronts, raffle winner Anne and her husband Bill hosted the dinner on Sunday January 16th with lucky friends Petra and Miryan as guests. Ray took the heat in the kitchen and created an amazing six course meal, showcasing everything from his heirloom tomato consommé to rack of pork au jus with carola potato puree, and roasted loin of venison with potato gratin with apricots.
The glasses were never empty as Daniel Johnnes personally selected, decanted, and poured seven incredible wines throughout the dinner. See the full menu (beautifully created by longtime friend of the farm, Mara P).
Desserts, created by Brooklyn customer Risa Bell of 23rd St Treats included a squash cheesecake with candied ginger, and a sampling of pinwheels, chocolate chip, cinnamon coins, rum pepper gingersnap cookies.
And special thanks to another longtime friend, Matthew W. He continues to make sure all the pieces of every project comes together.

photos by E. Frossard