Stories of Bradley Farm after the Flood

This week Ray was featured in the NYTimes, on Gilt Taste, and in an episode of the Perennial Plate. Here are the incredibly well-told and inspiring stories of how Bradley Farm and its neighbors are working to recover after the floods.

Flooded Farmers Learn to Be Creative
NY Times Food & Dining editor, Pete Wells wrote this piece about Ray and the Bradley Farm fundraising efforts after attending this past Sunday’s farm festival.

It Takes a Village to Save a Drowning Farm
This article on Gilt Taste tells about the losses suffered by Ray and his fellow farmers and how much the support of customers and friends means to them in these challenging times.

The Perennial Plate Episode 72: After the Flood

The Perennial Plate is an online weekly documentary series dedicated to socially responsible and adventurous eating. This week they tell the story of Ray and his neighbor, Pete Taliaferro, and the losses they’ve suffered in this amazing and moving video:

Thank you to everyone who came out to show their support at the Annual Farm festival on Sunday. We hope you had a great time and enjoyed all of the amazing food that Ray and his friends cooked for you. If you couldn’t make it to the event and want to help Bradley Farm recover from the floods, you can still make a donation or buy a ‘Fresh & Dirty’ t-shirt. See you at the market!

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